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Nutrition, fat loss nutrition, non-fad fat loss, sustainable fat loss method, eat well, healthy eating,


  • Tried everything in the book?

  • Tired of restrictive dieting and finding it difficult to sustain? 

  • Learn the simple, non-fad, non-restrictive method I used to drop almost SIX STONES of body fat!


Simple Colourful Before and After personal trainer, fat loss story, nutrition, exercise, male fat to thin. obese to muscle, weight loss story

I've been there!

As an obesely overweight individual, I understand the struggles and the journey that my clients are going through. I know as well as anyone that fad dieting doesn't work - I've tried most of them and failed!  

NEAT NEATUP247 BMR EAT THermic effect of feeding, nutriton class, hydration, activity expenditure chart, nutrition science, simple nutrition, healthy habits, healthier eating

Non-Fad, Science based.

We break down the science behind sustainable fat loss and give you a better understanding of general nutrition. We don't sell you fad, crash diets that you cant sustain. 

NEAT NEATUP247 BMR EAT THermic effect of feeding, nutriton class, hydration, activity expenditure chart, nutrition science, simple nutrition, healthy habits, healthier eating

Completely Tailored

We take a 'No cookie cutter style' approach to your nutrition. You will receive instructions that are completely geared toward your goals and your schedule.

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